Ventry Care Homes is an experienced independent care provider, offering high quality residential and dementia care for older persons and peace of mind for their families and friends.
Ventry Care Homes founders have been providing quality residential care since 1985 and in 2003 established the provider, Ventry Care Homes.
We started providing quality care for the elderly across England further to their experiences as a state registered nurse primarily in hospital and community based care.
The group was established via the acquisition of existing care homes that provided an opportunity to benefit from our philosophy, along side the construction of new care homes. An extensive refurbishment and redecoration programme of works were undertaken in existing care homes to create a safe, welcoming and vibrant environment. Alongside these works extensive and modern management systems where put in place to support the provision of quality care as well as to support the compliance of the homes with it’s regulators. We also also worked to create a truly supportive, knowledgeable and skilled care team.
Our Homes are supported by our Support Centre located in Finchley, North London who support each home in respect of Operations, Quality Assurance, Finance, Human Resources, Training, IT and Facilities management.
The responsibility for the day to day management of our homes lies with our Care Home Managers and our area manager.
Our regulators have reviewed our services and awarded each of our homes some of their highest quality ratings. We also currently work with some 17 separate local authorities and councils in the provision of quality care. Both the 17 professional commissioning authorities and our regulator having themselves tested and reviewed our service continue to promote our service as both a quality service and one that they frequently recommend to their clients.