Please remember at all times you can contact us directly using the form on our “Contact Us” page or by calling us on 0208 886 7317 or email us

Frequently Asked Questions

The Care Home’s total staff accompaniment is approximately 20, of whom all have duties involving direct care for service users. Arrangements for staff recruitment, training and supervision accord with the relevant government guidance and with personnel good practice. We operate an equal opportunities policy to prevent discrimination between persons on the grounds of sex, races, age, etc. All staff are carefully selected and references taken up.

All staff follows a course of training to ensure that they are capable in their working practices, with the majority of staff having extensive experience in the care sector. All staff members are placed on a structured induction programme including statutory training to provide them with the skills to work within the Policies and Procedures of the Care Home. All staff members also have training and experience of working with specific groups of older persons, most notable being Dementia Care. Our staff mix and training programme reflect this emphasis. All members who complete the full induction programme are then encouraged to further their knowledge and qualifications through a structured programme of personal development, which is managed by our group training manager.

The senior members of staff are responsible for ensuring that your care meets your individual needs at all times. They will ensure that your care plan is accurate and up to date and that you and your relatives/advocate are involved in your care as much as you are able or want to be. Our Senior Care Staff are the appointed first aiders and fire marshals (in the absence of the manager) for the Care Home. They wear a dark blue uniform.

Your Key-worker is a Senior Care Assistant who will take a special interest in you and your family. They will ensure that birthdays are remembered and celebrated and that you are involved in activities that take place in the Care Home when you want to be. They will also keep your room and personal belongings and clothing tidy and ensure that you have everything you need i.e. toiletries, clothing etc.

The care staff are supported through the employment of the following groups of staff who provide service delivery in respect of ancillary services.

There are two cooks who work individually or with a kitchen assistant to a four week rotating menu in the provision of home cooked meals prepared on the premises. They wear a white uniform.

A team of domestic and laundry assistants provide cleaning and laundering services (excluding dry cleaning) to Service Users. They wear a black tabard.

A rolling annual maintenance programme is employed to maintain the fabric of the building, address health and safety checks and to maintain the grounds to a high standard.

Potential Service Users have their needs thoroughly assessed before entering the service. This is to allow the Care Home to ensure the service provided is one that will support and meet the needs of the individual.

For potential Service Users who are working with a local authority to find a Care Home, an initial assessment will be undertaken as part of their care management process. In addition to this, we will also need to assure ourselves and the Service User that this particular Care Home is suitable for them through our assessment process. Appropriately trained staff will make a full pre-admission assessment of need, calling, with the service user’s permission, on specialist advice and reports as necessary.
The assessment criteria will cover a full range of health and social needs, thus ensuring an individual is appropriately placed in our care service. It is very important that as much information as available is provided during this process. All information will be treated with utmost confidentially. The assessment process helps the Care Home’s staff to make an initial plan for the support of new Service Users.

We will provide prospective Service Users with as much information as possible about the Care Home to help them make a decision. We offer the opportunity for a prospective Service User to visit the Care Home as often as they need to help them make a decision. Prospective Service Users are also subject a six week trial period after which a review will be held to ensure all parties are satisfied. We are happy for a prospective Service Users to involve their friends, family or other representatives in seeing the Care Home, the care, and the facilities we provide before making the final decision about admission.

Emergency admissions can be catered for in circumstances where time is of the essence and the potential Service User is in a position of risk. In these circumstances an appropriately trained member of staff will make every effort to make an assessment prior to admission. If this cannot be done, as much information as possible will be collected from the referring party (a hospital, social services or family), the Service User and their family where possible. On the basis of the information available, a decision will be taken on if a placement can be provided. On arrival at the service, an assessment will take place. Further to the successful completion of the assessment and the review of all relevant information, the management team on duty will make an informed decision as to whether or not admission can be confirmed. We will then aim to inform the Service User within 48 hours about key aspects, rules and routines of the service and formulate the care plan in conjunction with the Service User within a five-day period.

After admission, each individual Service User has a care plan drawn together from Social Services Community Assessment forms and complimented by an assessment from our senior care staff. This Care Plan details the care that is required by the Service User and provides the staff team with the information required to facilitate care and meet required care needs and lifestyle choices. While we value the important involvement of family and friends into this process, the best interests of each Service User, their choices, views or needs will always take precedence. The care plan is continually developed and reviewed, with the views of the Service User, their relative / other representative, and other professionals involved in the individual’s care and welfare being sought.

Our Service will promote and maintain our Service Users health and ensure access to health care services. In particular, it will do the following:
• Support self-care whenever possible
• Maintain personal and oral hygiene
• Identify areas of risk, such a pressure sores, and take appropriate action
• Seek and act on advice on continence and ensure that the necessary aids and equipment are made available and used
• Monitor psychological health and ensure that preventative and restorative care is provided
• Provide appropriate opportunities for exercise and physical activities
• Identify and act on any risk of falling
• Regularly assess and act on the Service User’s nutritional needs and monitor weight gain or loss
• Enable Service Users to register with a GP of their choice, subject to the GP’s agreement
• Facilitate access to specialist medical, nursing, dental, pharmaceutical, chiropody and therapeutic services, and hospital and community healthcare as required
• Ensure access to hearing tests and sight tests and to appropriate aids
• Provide information and advice about entitlements to health care
• Inform the Service Users next of kin or representative of serious illness or death

Local General Practitioners supply medical cover for Service Users. There is an ‘out of hours’ service available for all Service Users. However, Service Users may remain with their own General Practitioner if practical, and in agreement with the General Practitioner. It is the responsibility of the General Practitioner to review each Service User on a periodic basis, or when medical conditions require attention. Service Users treated under the NHS will receive drugs, medication and paramedical services as provided under the NHS. If a Service User wishes to register with a doctor as a private patient, the supply of drugs, treatment, medication, and any other associated charges will be the Service User’s responsibility.

Nursing needs are not met by the staff employed in the Care Home, but are provided by the District Nursing team who attend the Care Home on request. Please note this also places a limit to the level of nursing needs that the Care Home is able to meet. This being the case, when the Care Home feels needs have surpassed the capabilities of the Care Home arrangements must be made for a more suitable placement to be identified to ensure the safety of the Service User.

The Care Home maintains a clear policy and stringent procedures in accordance with the Department of Health guidelines for all aspects of the handling of Service User’s medication. Records are kept of whether each Service User wishes to deal with their own medication or pass that responsibility to staff and of any medication in use whether or not it is self-administered.
All drugs and medication must be handed to the senior person on duty at the time of admission. If requested, the Service User may, at the discretion of the Manager, be permitted to look after their own medication further to a successful assessment of ability being completed. In such cases, the Care Home cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping and dispensing of the medication. A lockable drawer provided in each room must be used to store all medications.

Each Service User’s room has a call system which is kept within reach of the Service User. When used, it will activate the nurse call system to alert care givers to the fact you require some help. This can be used day or night. This takes the form of a wall mounted box with a call button, and an extension lead can be attached.

We work to provide a four week rotating menu with our two cooks who work individually or with a kitchen assistant in the provision of home cooked meals prepared on the premises. We aim to provide a healthy, nutritious and balanced range of food and drinks.An approximate guide to meal times:

Breakfast 08:00 to 9:30
Lunch 12:00 to 13:00
Supper 17.00 to 18:00

Hot drinks and snacks are available at any time on request. Meals can be served to you either in our dining room or in your own room. Meal times are protected periods. We work to concentrate on the nutrition of the Service Users at these times, as such it is requested that visitors allow our staff to work with our Services Users and would therefore ask that visitors refrain from visiting at these times, or to recognise our focus and plan visitors visits around these times. Staff may approach visitors to withdraw from communal areas at these times and we would ask that you respect this reasonable request unreservedly. Our four week rotating menu is displayed on the “Our Community” board located in the lounge of the home.

We have a laundry on site that operates 365 days a year. However, to make the job of the laundry staff a little easier we do make a few simple requests.
All items must be clearly marked before admission with the Service User’s name on name tabs (or permanent marker in a discrete area of the garment).
We also ask that all clothes are of machine washable fabric and tumble dryer fabric, as we do not have dry cleaning facilities. We would ask you not to bring any hand knitted woollens etc. as they could possibly be spoilt if they were inadvertently put into a washing machine. Clothes sometimes need to be washed at high temperatures to avoid the risk of cross infection and because clothes are laundered more frequently and at higher temperatures it is inevitable that clothing will have to be replaced on a more regular basis than normal. Clothing that your relative is used to wearing and that is comfortable is best. Even though there is a regular laundry service, several changes of clothing and a good supply of underwear are required to ensure that adequate clothing is available at all times. Please don’t forget that shoes, slippers and jackets will also need marking.

It is inadvisable for jewellery / valuables to be brought into the Care Home and we would recommend that wedding rings be engraved on the inside. A lockable drawer is provided in each room that we encourage you to use. It is not advisable for large sums of money to be kept in service user rooms. We would encourage service users not to bring in items of significant value but to leave them with relatives and bring them to the Care Home on special occasions. The staff will attempt to provide security for service user possessions but no responsibility can be accepted for items retained in service user rooms.

From time to time you will need access to small sums of money to allow you to pay for such items as hairdressing, private chiropody, toiletries, newspapers and the like. To support you to securely manage these funds the homes office will hold between fifty and a hundred pounds per service user as “Petty Cash”. These monies will be held in a secure cabinet in the manager’s office and will only be accessible to the manager. Service Users or their family/representative/advocates can have access to these monies and supporting documentation whenever they wish. We would ask for a minimum float of fifty pounds to be available and a maximum of a hundred pounds, as we do not wish to hold large sums of money on site. All monies will be signed into the service users petty cash record sheet on receipt. We will also keep a full record of all incurred expenditure together with receipts. Please ensure that the balance is above fifty pounds at all times to ensure you have full access to all the services you require when you require them.

The service insurance policy provides insurance for personal items on each and every occasion to a level of £500.00 with an excess of £50.00 (the excess being payable by the service user) This will protect the personal effects of the service user’s. The nominated insurance company will consider claims on merit, claims are made within the polices and procedures set out by the insurance company. Their decision is final and the care home will not provide cover for any items not covered by insurance. Should you require insurance for specific items or items of great value please ensure that suitable arrangements are made prior to the items being brought to the care home.

A varied programme of activities is in place which reflects the needs and wishes of the Service Users. This is reviewed on a regular basis and are displayed on the “Our Community” board located in the lounge of the home. Activities are planned on both a group and individual basis and service users may choose to participate as much, or as little as they wish.

You are welcome to have visitors at any time as we do not have set visiting hours, however we do ask that if they intend to visit during unsocial hours, these being between 8.00pm to 8.00am, then prior arrangements must be made with the manager. This is to ensure that the service users are not placed at risk and ensures that your visitors are given access when you wish. Without prior arrangements being made access may be refused.

You are welcome to have visitors at any time as we do not have set visiting hours, however we do ask that if they intend to visit during unsocial hours, these being between 8.00pm to 8.00am, then prior arrangements must be made with the manager. This is to ensure that the Service Users are not placed at risk and ensures that your visitors are given access when you wish. Without prior arrangements being made access may be refused.

Please note that visitors are not permitted to smoke anywhere inside or outside the building. This is a statutory requirement which we would ask all visitors to respect at all times.

Service User can smoke in permitted areas as this is their home. Service User’s who wish to smoke may do so in the designated smoking in the back garden. We do ask that you give any matches or cigarette lighters to care staff for safe keeping, and to comply with health and safety policies and procedures.

We have an obligation to protect the privacy and dignity of all our service users. In light of this obligation the use of mobile phones, cameras, or any other image or voice recording equipment able to take static photographic images, moving images, or voice recordings is strictly prohibited within the building or grounds of this Care Home. As such we would ask that such items are left outside of the Care Home, or in the case of mobile phones turned off before entering the Care Home. Any person seen using such equipment for these purposes will be asked to immediately stop and will be asked to delete all media taken.
We welcome you/your visitors taking photographs for personal reasons but ask that before doing so that you refer to the manager for guidance.

You may also bring in alcohol if you wish. Alcohol can have an adverse reaction to some medications and it is advisable that you consult your GP before bringing it into the Care Home.

Regular Service User’s meetings have been established whereby Service Users can meet to discuss the running of the service and the provision of services and care in general. This is in addition to the planned annual review for individuals at which their individual care needs and care plan is reviewed and discussed with them, their chosen representatives / advocate and other professionals involved in the individual’s care. Service User’s meetings will take place every three months and shall be documented to reflect the discussions held and identified points of action or review.

We endeavour to satisfy our Service Users but even in the best run Care Homes there may sometimes be occasions when you may feel that you need to raise an issue. To aid you with this the service has a complaints procedure that you can access. We welcome all comments and wish to hear any concerns that you have as early as possible. Do not let things go on to the point at which your concerns become a complaint. Please talk to either your key-worker, or the manager, who will listen to your concerns and act appropriately.

Just as we realise the need to address any concerns you may have, we also welcome any compliments. It is always good for the staff to know that their hard work and effort is appreciated as we pride ourselves in making a real Home. The aid you to do this there are comments cards and a “Comments” mail box in the reception of the Care Home. Please feel free to take a form and return it the mail box in reception.

To help us distinguish and reward good practice we run an “Employee of the Month” scheme. This scheme is open to all employees. Should you wish to nominate any staff member for these awards please do so by informing the manager before the 21st of each month with an explanation of why you are nominating an individual.

The Company and/or any of the Company’s employees or staff are not permitted to accept gifts from Service Users.

The Company and/or any of the Company’s employees or staff are not permitted to sign as a witness any legal documentation, which relates to a Service User.

Service Users who wish to practice their religion will be given every possible help and facility. Particular care will be taken to try meet the needs of Service Users from minority faiths. These should be discussed with the management before admission. We will assist in the arrangement of transport for Service Users to any local place of worship. If requested we can make contact with any local place of worship on a Service Users behalf. We can usually arrange for a minister or a member of the relevant congregation to visit a Service User who would like this. In the public areas of the Care Home, we celebrate the major Christian festivals. Service Users have the opportunity to participate or not as they wish.

As every Service User has the right to be respected, listened to and involved in decisions that affect their lives we will work to ensure that when required access to advocacy services is fully supported. Information regarding national and local advocacy services is displayed on the Community Board located in the communal area of the home.

Our Service Users will have exclusive/shared use of an allocated room, which will be treated as far as possible as, as his or her private space. Should you wish to personalise your bedroom you are more than welcome to do so if it would create a more homely feel. Pictures, photographs or ornaments can be brought into the Service User room (these can be mounted on walls by our maintenance person, just let the manager know your wishes). We would also ask you not to use ‘blue tack’ as it marks/stains the walls. Small items of personal furniture may be brought into the Care Home with the prior agreement of the manager while taking into account the physical space available within a room. Such items should be clearly marked with the name of the Service User. Transportation, insurance and eventual removal of such items shall be at the responsibility of the Service User or their executors. We are unable to remove any furniture from the room to accommodate your own items. Your must ensure that all furniture complies with the Fire Regulations.

Please inform the staff if any electrical items are brought in to the Care Home on admission or during your stay, as these must be P.A.T tested prior to being used in the Care Home, please ensure this is carried out prior to bringing the item to the Care Home. Televisions are provided in communal areas. Alternatively, there is a television point in each room should you wish to bring your own [please ensure payment of the appropriate license fee is made. Concessionary rates are available from the TV Licensing Authority for which some Residents may qualify, details are available on request]. In line with our Health and Safety policy all electrical appliances must be P.A.T tested prior to being used in the Care Home, please ensure this is carried out prior to bringing the item to the Care Home.

This residence provides both ensuite single rooms and ensuite companion rooms. All single rooms have at least ten square metres of usable space and provide ensuite facilities or a washing area. All companion rooms have at least 16 square metres of usable space and again provide ensuite facilities or a washing area. There are lounges situated on the ground floor and a separate dining area. Toilets and bathrooms are situated strategically throughout the Care Home and are fitted with hoists, bathchairs, walk in baths, grab rails, raised toilet seats and other mobility aids as required. There are also landscaped gardens available for Service Users that are wheelchair accessible and has raised beds to allow Service Users to participate in gardening if they wish. In addition there are some areas of the Care Home that are generally only for staff use these are as follows: Kitchen and stores, laundry, sluice rooms, staff toilet and manager’s office.

Service Users require a number of daily personal items, in particular toiletries. The service provides a small “shop” that our Service user can access when required. The shop holds a small stock of common toiletries that are charged at cost. Our service users can choose to purchase toiletries from our shop, via friends and relatives or while visiting the local high street. Where a service user does not manage their own funds then any purchases will be collated onto a quarterly invoice and issued to the person controlling their funds for payment or payment will be made from the Service User’s petty cash held on their behalf.

Delivery of a daily newspaper / magazine can be facilitated via the local newsagent. The contact details of the local newsagent can be provided on request and family, friends can make arrangement for delivery as desired. A number of communal publications are delivered daily for the general use of all our Service Users.

Any mail received will be handed to you directly or delivered to your room on a daily basis. If you wish to post mail, please drop it into the main office by 4 pm each day.

Any mail received will be handed to you directly or delivered to your room on a daily basis. If you wish to post mail, please drop it into the main office by 4 pm each day.

Access to a payphone is available. This can be found in main office on the ground floor.

One of our communal bathrooms is fitted with hairdressing equipment to allow a full professional hairdressing service to be provided. The hairdresser visits periodically and will cut, set and perm hair as required. The cost of this service is excluded from the fees and is charged as an at cost item. Payment for this service will be requested in advance to ensure it is available at the Care Home on the day of the service being provided.

All these services are arranged at regular intervals. Emergency visits are arranged if required. The cost of this service is excluded from the fees and is charged as an at cost item. Payment for podiatry services will be requested in advance to ensure it is available at the Care Home on the day of the service being provided. Should the payment not be available on this day the Service may not be provided. Payment for optician, dentistry will be in arrears for service provided and in advance for any planned treatment identified during periodic visits.

In general and for safety reasons we do not allow pets at / in the Care Home.

Our residents are men and women who are no longer able to continue living on their own. We welcome older people from every walk of life, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexuality, class or religious beliefs.

We primarily cater for older people living on their own. However married couples are also very welcome.

Charges vary depending on location and an individuals physical and mental needs. A cost will be identified and agreed further to our pre-admission assessment process.

1. Furnished accommodation. 2. Food & [non alcoholic] [hot and cold] drinks [as required by normal diets], [Special diets can be catered for by prior arrangement as required. [A supplemental charge may apply]]. 3. Heating and lighting. 4. Use of the common areas of the Care Home. 5. Access to additional service such as laundry [excluding dry cleaning], [the use of these services may give rise to an additional charge being made to the Service User’s]. 6. All reasonable personal care as would normally be required by a Care Home Service User [on a non-exclusive basis]

Fees do not include the costs of toiletries [these being, Soap/creams, Razors/blades, shaving foam, Comb/hairbrush, Tootbrush/toothpaste /steradent, Talcum powder/lotions, Tissues/wet wipes, Deodorant/Body sprays, Slippers, Other such toiletries as are purchased on the Service Users behalf]. These can be either provided to the Service Users by relatives or Service Users representatives.

We ask our residents to nominate a trusted relative, friend or professional adviser to act as their representative. This is someone who can be contacted in case of an emergency. They will also act as a guarantor to your Contract of Care.

You can contact us directly using the “Make a Referral” form on our “Contact Us” page or call us on 0208 886 7317

Minor illnesses can be managed within the home. Should you require long term care or nursing care, other arrangements may have to be made in consultation with you, your family and your funding authority if required. During periods of hospitalisation care fees remain due.